Taj is No. 1, but are the Wonders meant for listings only!

Ever wondered why do we have only Seven Wonders in the world as big and myriad as ours? There is no reason why a planet so vast and so full should forever continue to have only Seven Wonders!

At all times, there should be a Unesco-compiled and maintained list of official Wonders of the World where each nation can nominate its entries. A panel comprising experts that are multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-national should decide a list of 10 or 20 Wonders that should then be relooked once every decade to include or exclude any entry.

It is preposterous, and indeed foolish, to go on thinking ourselves that such a fascinating planet with so many civilisations can have only Seven Wonders at any given point of time!

Why then should we whip up such mass hysteria for Taj the way our mass media is doing by blindly apeing what countries like Brazil are doing! They need it for Christ's sake, we don't. Don't go on doing Lula-i-doodle!

- Nerosax

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